Which Credit Card Should You Get? Check Out This Information!
Sound credit card advice can be worth its weight in gold these days. The following article is designed to educate you on the use of your charge cards and how to avoid problems. Many people have cards, but don’t know properly use them.
Any fraudulent charges made using your credit should be reported immediately. If you do this, your credit card company will have a good chance of tracking down the thief. This will also allow you to be sure that you aren’t responsible for the charges they made. Any charges that you did not make need to be reported to your credit company with a phone call or a high priority email.
Always know the rate of interest on all your credit cards. You simply must understand the interest charges your card will bring before you agree to accept it. When you don’t know this, you could possibly have a much higher rate than you anticipated. If your interest rate is high, there is a good possibility that you won’t have enough money to pay your debt at the end of the month.
Make it your goal to never pay late or over the limit fees. Both fees are steep, and going past the limit will affect both your pocketbook and your credit score. Be vigilant and pay attention so you don’t go over the credit limit.
Card Issuer
If your financial circumstances become more difficult, speak with your card issuer. If it is possible that you will miss your next payment, you may find that a card issuer will help by allowing you to pay less or pay in installments. This could help because they may not end up reporting your late or missed payment to the credit agencies.
The interest rate in the initial offer is not always the interest rate your card will have. Since credit card companies compete with one another, they all have the option of changing your interest rate to another one of their standard rates to keep you satisfied. If you do not like your current interest rate, contact your bank and request that they lower it.
Before you think about receiving a credit card, do a little financial survey first. Typically, you want to keep the limit of your card less than three quarters of the salary you make every month. If your limit is higher than one month’s salary, work on reducing your balance immediately. This is mainly because of the amount of interest you pay can quickly get out of control.
Although it can be tempting to make payments right after purchasing something, avoid this. Instead, hold off until your statement arrives so you can pay off the full amount. This will better benefit your credit score.
You may want to appear debt-free and so avoid applying for credit cards, but this is a mistake. However, in order to build your credit you need at least one card. Use this and pay it off every month. By having no credit, you will lower your credit score and prospective lenders will not be able to determine that you know how to manage debt.
It is very important when you get a credit card to keep the account open as long as you can. Unless you have to, don’t change accounts. This can have a direct effect on your credit score since length of history with a creditor is a factor in the scoring process. A key trick to establishing solid credit is to keep accounts open for long periods of time.
In conclusion, getting in trouble with your credit cards is far too simple. Having too many cards and making too many purchases can lead to disaster. This article may be able to help you stay away from credit issues and stay financially healthy.