The Best Credit Card Tips On Earth
Some people fear getting bank cards because of the problems associated with them. Bank cards should not instill fear. In fact, credit cards are useful when you want to buy something but don’t have cash on you. This article will give you some great advice for using credit cards.
Credit Card
If you do not have credit and want a credit card, consider getting a co-signer. Co-signers can be siblings, parents, close friends, or anyone with established credit. A co-signer states they are willing to be responsible for the debt if you default. This is a fine way to start building up your credit score with a credit card of your own.
Avoid the urge to lend a credit card to someone. Even if a close friend needs to use one, don’t do it. There are other ways to help a friend or family member in need other than allowing them to borrow your card.
Credit Card
It happens to almost everyone. “You have been pre-approved for a credit card!” You might be looking for a credit card, however, it is far more likely that you are not. Tear up or shred credit card offers before disposing of them. Many of these offers contain your personal data, making trash a common source of information for identity thieves.
Keep a list of credit account numbers and emergency contact numbers for the card lender. Put this list in a safe place, like a deposit box at your bank, where it is away from your cards. This list will help you if you ever lose your credit card or are a victim of a robbery.
Avoid prepaid cards when you are looking for a secured card. Prepaid cards are not credit cards at all, and they don’t report to any of the credit bureaus. Most of them charge you with extra fees, and they only function as another checking account. Apply for a true secured card that reports to the three major bureaus. This will require a deposit, though.
Be sure you ask a credit card company if they are willing to reduce how much interest you pay. There are a few companies that will lower an interest rate if they know and trust the customer due to working with them for a long period of time. Asking is free, and the money it can wind up saving you is significant.
Avoid charging things like groceries or restaurant tabs on your credit card as these can take a while to appear on your monthly statement, which means possibly underestimation the balance you really have available to you. This can lead to you spending more money since you will have the perception that your balance is actually lower than it is.
If you owe too much money, to a point you can’t pay it back, you will run risks of ruining your credit score. This can make it difficult for you to get an apartment, buy a car or get insurance. Sometimes it can affect you chances of becoming employed.
Credit Card
The credit card advice from this article should help anyone get over their fear of using a credit card. Charge cards can be a useful tool when used correctly, and should not be feared. Just keep in mind the advice in this article and you are going to be just fine.